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Sunday, January 20, 2013


I'm back to the blog spot world & have a lot to say.. Since the last time we talked, I graduated from Nursing School, moved back to Fort Worth, started my career as a Neonatal Intensive Care nurse and traveled to France and Germany with my parents and best friend. I'm sure there are a few more details, but those are the highlights, at least for me..

2013 is already turning out to be an exciting one, and like most everyone else I have some pretty big resolutions and goals for this year. I think I'm finally getting used to being an adult and not a college student anymore. If you haven't experienced this yet.. It's an adjustment. It certainly does help that I love my job, my Fort Worth friends- and Dallas too, I guess! and that my family is close by.

So here's the Top 5 (but is not limited to) things I want to accomplish in 2013..

1. Buy a house.
I've been researching houses since I moved back in June, but have been seriously looking for 3 months now. I have a love for real estate and especially old homes that have already been updated, or need a little bit of work. I'm mostly looking near TCU and Camp Bowie. The homes in that area have so much character and are exactly what I envision for myself and my first home.

2. Get my pilots license.
This is something I have wanted to do most of my life. I will be the fourth generation of pilots on my dads side and know how much it would mean to my great grandfather, grandpa and dad to keep aviation in the family. Hopefully, someday, my future husband and family will also appreciate my love for small airplanes.

3. Get involved with a church in Fort Worth
When I first moved back to Fort Worth, I tried a few different churches but never found a place that I really loved. I didn't mind going to Church by myself, but have been praying for a friend to sit next to on Sundays and thankfully have found that through work! I went to the 5:00 service at Christ Chapel in Fort Worth tonight with my sweet friend, Stephanie, and felt so much at home.

 4. Get in shape
Well there it is, the most popular and rarely followed of new years resolutions. I have been very slowly working on this goal for the last few weeks by way of "Couch to 5k" app and pinterest workouts. But I'm just going to bite the bullet and do "insanity" again because I really did love it when I did it in college and it gets you in shape FAST. I've also signed up for the Cowtown 5k- A race I've always wanted to do.. being from Fort Worth and all. I look forward to getting back in shape and doing other races this year like the Color Run and Turkey Trot.

5. Travel
By far one of my favorite hobbies whether it be internationally, or just a weekend trip to Lubbock. I love to travel, experience new places and also revisit my favorite spots. In my mind, I see a few roadtrips with friends, a ski trip, a prospective Vegas trip with my best friends from Nursing school, and maybe a beach vacation to scruba dive. Dare to dream, right?

Well, that's all for now. I'll leave you with this. Overplayed, but you know you love it as much as I do..

Monday, December 5, 2011


Long time no see.. Once again. It's been a fast and furious month and I'm hardly believing that there is snow on the ground and we start finals in less than a week.

Last week I had the opportunity to do two clinical rotations in Labor and Delivery. Very luckily, I had the privilege of assisting in the birth of two beautiful babies and even had the opportunity of cutting the umbilical cord. Wow! When I got accepted into Nursing school, I'm not sure I thought how these experiences would impact me, or even the multitude of incredible things I would be given the opportunity to be a part of. But I'm seeing now that I am so very blessed. The opportunity to see and do what I have in the last two years is overwhelming and humbling. Going into my 20 hours of clinical last week, I didn't know how I would feel about L&D, but it found a little place in my heart. It was beautiful, gross, incredible yet scary all at the same time. I don't think I've ever been in another situation where I felt all of those things simultaneously. Like the ICU, I felt challenged and learned so much in a short amount of time. I'm humbled to be in the position as a nurse where I can step into a complete strangers life and not only help them but become someone they trust and look to in extremely important situations. I gained a great deal of confidence after those two days and found myself answering questions and sharing my knowledge with others. (I guess I really did absorb something from OB!!) After a long two days, while gathering our backpacks and lab coats in the nurses lounge- One of my dearest friends in nursing school turned to me and said..
"We really just did that. And we did it together. That is something we will always remember. We helped deliver that baby." 
I couldn't have said it better myself. I cried that day. God works in so many wonderful, mysterious ways. We learn and grow not only from our own experiences, but from watching and being a part of other peoples stories as well. Nursing school has been a long, hard road. But He's given me strength through His words and faithful friends to keep me going. I think back to this time two years ago when I was really struggling with Nursing school and compare that to the person I see now. What a difference. I look at myself and can see the changes and the knowledge I have gained from all these experiences and couldn't be more thankful that He is working through me everyday as a Nurse.

I hope that some, if any, readers out there enjoy my ramblings and inner most thoughts of the student nurse. I can't say enough how blessed I feel to be entering the workforce as a nurse in 5 short months. But for now, I'll be enjoying being done with class, studying for my finals, cold weather and snow, late night talks, Christmas movies and music, decorating my Christmas tree, sleepovers with my little. bestfriend. soulmate, McCall, and sleeping in for once this semester.

Take care, my friends.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Good Feeling.

As always- It's been a while. I feel like I haven't had a spare second to do anything, much less blog in the last 2 months. I'm still in a state of shock that it is already November. Considering weather wise we skipped from summer to winter and now are getting a small taste of fall, I don't feel so bad that I've lost track of time.. September slipped by in a series of birthday celebrations and tests. October strolled through with lots of baseball and a trip home to go to Game 3 of the World Series. My roommate also got engaged at the end of October-- a long time coming and a really exciting night. I feel blessed to have gotten to be a part of the sneaky plan to surprise her. Most people joke that I'm an awful liar (which usually isn't a bad thing)- but I had to twist a few white lies to keep the secret.. well, secret. :)

On to what I'm really wanting to blog about..

I've learned something about myself this semester that really surprised me. One of my main classes this semester is Concepts of Acute Care. We have lecture for this class once a week for 3 hours and then two clinical days from 0630-1430. Although there are not enough spots for us to do clinical in the ICU every week, I have gotten the privilege of being there for 2 weeks (hopefully more!) I never really considered the ICU because I always have said I wanted to work with children.. but what type of children? I've done many hours of volunteer work with children that have cancer, and this semester I was given opportunities to work with kids as a school nurse, on a hospital floor, in a doctors office and in a clinic. So when I stepped into the ICU as a student nurse a few weeks ago, I wondered how it differed from a pediatrics ICU floor? All I knew is that I learned more and was exposed to more during that 8 hour shift that I had been all semester. I was energized, excited and wanting to learn and do more. This really inspired me. Especially since Nursing School can really be a drag sometimes.. We learn so much in such a short amount of time, that sometimes I feel bogged down and catch myself not loving and appreciating every second of it like I did in the beginning. I know I shouldn't feel like this and being in the ICU reminded me why I love nursing and why I really want to be a nurse; patient care- Quality care. All I can say is that I'm thankful! I'm thankful for where I am in school, where I am in life, the education I am getting and the ways I will be able to use that education when I graduate in less than 7 months-- Can you believe it? I always thought I had this great plan for myself, but He has a better one. Nursing school has taught me that and a lot about myself and faith.

So here we are in almost the second week of November. It hasn't really hit me yet that I'll be done with tests and lecture by the time I pack up to head home for Thanksgiving. When we come back all we have are a few clinicals, papers to turn in and then finals. So thankful for just a few more weeks of madness and then a whole month filled with family, friends, holidays, Christmas music/movies, food, relaxation and SKIING! So instead of a video this time, here's a few pictures since the last time I updated. Enjoy :)


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Call It What You Want.

How has it already been over a month since I last posted? August flew by in a blink and September is about to do the same..

We're already back in full swing in the world of Nursing School. Lecture two days a week, and simulation and clinical filling the rest of our time. Fortunately, I started out with my pediatric clinical rotations. It eases my levels of stress to know that I love what I'm doing and will someday (soon!) work with children full time- God willing! It's what I've wanted to do my whole life, and I am starting to realize that it will be a reality in only 8 short months! Here's a couple pictures of Faleigh and I (imagine that!) from a volunteer clinical experience we did a few weeks ago. It was an awesome learning experience and we really got to interact with the kids and family and take on the role as the nurse..

Other than my usual nursing escapades, Theta got a beautiful new pledge class filled with some awesome new babies, Emily came to visit her long lost best friend and favorite city and Tech won our first football game of the season!

As always- here's a video for your viewing pleasure. My new obsession- Foster the People. Can't believe I'm missing them Thursday at House of Blues in Dallas.. ON MY BIRTHDAY!!
Happy September, friends! Make it a good one- It's my favorite month :)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

A Prayer You Can Borrow.

So for those of you that know me or keep up with my blog know that I am a strong believer in His plan. His timing. I struggled with this for a very long time, but the fact that God's plan for me and those around me is so much greater than mine could ever be has been a theme in my life for the last two years. If you're reading this and not sure of all the things I'm referring to, just hang with me.. I'll bring it full circle for you. Although I do fully believe this and live my life by it, sometimes the hustle and bustle of life gets in the way and we wonder why He's taking us down these paths.

I'm currently frustrated with myself for my indecision. It's a bit of a wake up call when you tell yourself that you want something-- because it's both the right thing to do and what you think is best for you-- and then it happens and it's not exactly what you were wanting. It makes you really step back and tell yourself to cool it and let things happen the way they are supposed to.

So that's my soap box for this post. Just trying to remind myself to really take what I believe to heart, and in all aspects of my life..

On a much lighter note- Moving was a long process but its over and I love my new apartment and living on the other side of town. A week in Lubbock was just enough of a break that left me not wanting to leave and be away for the last 2 weeks of summer. Sean McConnell was by far the best part of the trip. I stood front row and center with some great friends and just soaked up every second of it. No doubt about it, I love Lubbock and the life I have there.

Just a quick video from Bluelight last weekend.. Not an original Sean McConnell song, but definitely a crowd pleaser. It's a little scratchy because I recorded it on my phone, but you'll get the message :)


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Say, Say, Say.

Where has time gone? I can't believe the last week of July is quickly approaching. I've had it marked off in my calendar for a few months now, with plans to drive back to Lubbock and make the final move from the cottage to my new apartment. Bittersweet. But overall very exciting.

Since my last post, I went on a week getaway to Napa Valley and tasted the best (and most!) wine I have ever drank. As if I didn't love wine enough before, that trip definitely set me over the edge. I was on cloud 9 the entire time-- especially because the weather was literally 40 degrees cooler than what we live in here in Texas. It seems ridiculous to me now that I got a fleece while I was in Monterrey, but I would have froze without it! Here are just a couple of my favorite pictures from the trip.. Really doesn't even do it justice at all!
Yosemite National Park
Down to the wine tasting!
Castello di Amorosa Vineyards

Just a few closing thoughts-
1. I can't wait to be in Lubbock tomorrow.
2. I have missed TWO Sean McConnell concerts this week in DFW and will finally be seeing him at Bluelight next weekend.
3. Be spontaneous.
4. Be BOLD.
5. This is my last summer as a nurse aide. I am so ready for the BSN, RN after my name.
6. Faith in God includes Faith in His timing.

As always-

Sunday, July 3, 2011


I'll make it quick..
A month ago when I last posted I never thought I would be where I am right now. It's funny how things change and turn out. I'm continually blown away how God closes doors and opens others in our lives and am so thankful that I have trust in Him to do so without falter. I talk about a month ago-- what about 3 months ago? My world was flipped upside down and I was a little lost and very hurt. I can't even say how thankful I am for the power of prayer and some great friends that picked up the broken pieces.

It's been a whirlwind of a summer already-- Working at the hospital, a river trip in San Antonio, spending time with friends and family, a quick 4 day get-away to Tulsa to see Allison, and now fourth of July weekend filled with a rangers game, family, food, the lake and fireworks! (unfortunately not AT the rangers game, we missed that memo. ha!)

I had so much fun in Tulsa getting to catch up with Allison. We played golf, had an extremely relaxing day at the spa, layed out at the pool, and did enough shopping to last me into next year! ;) It is so great that we get to have these fun times together and our friendship never skips a beat.

Since I usually close with a video, I'll fight the urge to post Drake or Katy Perry's "Firework" and instead give a little shout out to Megan. I just finished reading her blog and I am also obsessed with this song and the meaning behind it. How wonderful!
Happy Summer, friends! :)